How we crunched the numbers?
We threw a lot of criteria at this one in order to get the best, most complete results possible. Using the U.S. Census Data and Bureau of Labor Statistics, this is the criteria we used:
Do you live in one of the best ZIP codes in America?
Americans typically identify with their state or home town. If you’re from Texas, you brag about it. If you’ve made Los Angeles your home, typically, most of the people in your life are aware that you’re from L.A.
What about your zip code? Often, only the wise, shrewd home buyer is aware that within individual zip codes of America are individually-wrapped nuggets of information that can make the difference between a good place to call home and a great place to call home.
You can check any location's ZIP code and address with the help of ZIP code lookup provided by
You might think people across the nation like to think they live in the best place in the country. After all, you wouldn’t spend your lives somewhere that you truly didn’t love. Right? Not always. In fact, according to a Pew Research Center study not too long ago determined that almost half of Americans would rather live somewhere else than they do now.
Well, if you’re in one of the zip codes we’re about to highlight, odds are you don’t want to go anywhere.The purpose of this study is to use science to determine which of our great American zip codes are the absolute best. While unbiased, this research does take into account factors that almost all Americans would agree are desirable.
Therefore, while you may have strong opinions either way, you can’t argue against the methodology.Turns out downtown NYC has the best zip code in the country. The worst? You might not be too surprised that a zip code in the middle of a Native American Reservation in Arizona takes the cake.
After analyzing more than 22,000 zip codes in America, we came up with this list as the 10 best zip codes in our nation:
So basically, downtown NYC, Boston, San Francisco or a Washington D.C. suburb are the best places to live. While that might be a surprise (and a real downer from the perspective of small town America), you can read on below to see how we crunched the numbers and how your zip code ranked or check out the worst zip codes in America.
How do you decide if a ZIP code is awesome or not?
In order to rank the best zip codes in the United States, we had to determine what criteria people like about a place. It isn’t a stretch to assume that people like low crime, solid education, things to do and a stable economy.
So we scraped the internet for those criteria, and it spit out the answer. Like magic.